BDSM & KINK — Power Play
Oct 22, 2022
Welcome to Loveology University’s course on BDSM & Kink called Power Play. This in-depth course will teach you all about BDSM, Kink, consent, negotiation, play tools and toys, bondage, sensation play, and so much more!
What is BDSM & Kink?
BDSM is an all-encompassing acronym for sexual power play. It includes power exchange, psychological testing and sensations. It can include sex or not, but is usually erotic and sensation play based.
As an acronym, it stands for:
BD – Bondage/Discipline
DS- Dominance/submission
SM- Sado/Masochism
This course teaches BDSM & KINK, as a way to explore sexual pleasure with your lover or other play partners, or even just with yourself.
Safety: Safe, Sane & Consensual
One of the most important aspects of BDSM is that it be Safe, Sane & Consensual.
Safe: Safe means that you play safe with safe equipment and tools so both parties do not get injured. It means discussing limits and boundaries and health concerns before play. It means talking about any emotional issues that may arise (such as claustrophobia: fear of being trapped in small places, or being bound).
Sane: Sane means knowing the difference between fantasy and reality and not being under the influence of mind-altering drugs or alcohol.
Consensual: Consensual means both parties consent to play together during a specific scenario and timeframe. Consent involves negotiation of the types of activities that will take place in a scene, and again discussing limits, boundaries, safe words, and more.
What is Consent?
Consent is:
“Freely given. It’s not okay to pressure, trick, or threaten someone into saying yes. And you can’t give consent if you’re drunk, high, or passed out.
Reversible. It’s okay to say yes and then change your mind — at any time! Even if you’ve done it before, and even if you’re both naked in bed.
Informed. You can only consent to something if you have all the facts. For example, if someone says they’ll use a condom and then they don’t, there isn’t full consent.
Enthusiastic. When it comes to sex, you should do stuff you WANT to do, not things people expect you to do. If someone doesn’t seem enthusiastic (meaning happy, excited, or energized), stop and check in.
Specific. Saying yes to one thing (like going to the bedroom to make out) doesn’t mean you’re saying yes to other things (like having sex).
It is illegal to have sex with someone who is:
- Drunk or high
- Asleep or passed out
- Sexually underage
- Disabled in a way that affects their ability to understand you or offer their consent.”
Consent is not a grey area. Either your partner is enthusiastically, freely, saying yes at that time, or they are not. If, for any reason, you feel your partner is not fully enjoying themselves anymore, check in with them and be willing to stop playing/having sex right away.
Negotiation – Sexual Exploration & Kinky Checklist
In order to have safe, sane, consensual play, it is a good idea to negotiate your play scene and activities before you start. It is also a great idea to create a sexual bucket list for couples who want to explore their sexual boundaries and fantasies. has put together this Sexual Exploration & Kinky Checklist PDF [ DOWNLOAD HERE ] so you can discover your turn-ons, offs, limits, boundaries and fantasies together. This is a great intro to discussing KINK and BDSM activities and before negotiating a scene.
BDSM & KINK — Power Play
BDSM & KINK — Power Play, is a comprehensive digital course that will teach you everything you need to know about kinky sexuality available via our Certified Love Coach program!
In this exclusive Power Play course, which includes a video slide show and downloadable PDF, PLUS! Video: Dr. Ava’s Guide To Sensual BDSM for Couples, Zero Tolerance, and Ask The Expert – BDSM with Sandra Daugherty, you will learn:
- All About Power Play
- What is Vanilla
- Reasons to try Power Play
- Consent
- Bondage and Restraints
- Safety
- Ropes
- Bondage Furniture
- Play Scenes
- Sensory deprivation
- Masks and Hoods
- Discipline and Punishment
- Rules
- Spanking
- Dominance
- Dominatrix
- Hanky codes
- Submission
- Switching
- Types of d/s
- Owner and property
- Interdependency
- Slave consent
- Sadism, sadomasochism, s/m, sadism, & masochism
- Floggers, whips, canes, riding canes, & crops
- Humiliation and Insults
- Breast Play
- C&B Torture
This video is just a small component of our comprehensive Certified Love Coach program that will teach you everything you need to know about sexual pleasure, arousal, orgasms, sexual anatomy, how to please and man and a woman, as well as how to overcome relationship obstacles and so much more.
Take a look at our Certified Love Coach program NOW to see all of the courses available when you sign up to become a Certified Love Coach!