Deepening Intimacy: A Communication Guide for Couples
Jan 07, 2022
Welcome to Loveology University’s sneak preview video course on Communication for Couples. This in-depth course will teach you the fine art of communication between lovers, including intimate talk for lovers, types of communication, difference between male and female communication styles, positive communication, boundaries and how to say no, erotic words and dirty talking, talking about fantasies and much more.
What is Communication?
Definition of Communication: A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.
Why Do We Need Communication?
Without ways to communicate with each other, the world would be a very lonely place. Besides being a basic survival skill in which we can express our needs, communication helps us to develop relationships so we can relate to each other, share experiences, love, deal with conflict, and build a stronger and healthier partnership.
Communication is also necessary for:
- Physiological: food and water
- Safety: security, especially in times of danger
- Need for Esteem: self-esteem, worthiness and confidence
- Self Actualization: Having a mission and fulfilling your “purpose”
- Sex: for procreation and/or pleasure
- Love: affection and sense of belonging: giving and receiving, being appreciated
Male and Female Communication
If men and women want to have a consistently successful relationship and live together in harmony, then they must learn to acknowledge, understand and celebrate their differences, not try to convert their partner to their way of thinking.
The Differences Between Female and Male Communication
- Men want to conquer while women want to nurture.
- Men want to impress and be admired while women want to be understood and appreciated.
- The male brain places achievement at the top of its priority list, the female on relationships.
- Men focus on narrow issues and are able to separate unrelated information. Women see the “big-picture” from a wider vantage point.
- Men can detach their emotions, relationships and information into separate compartments in their brains, while women are inclined to link it all together.
- Men can focus on specific tasks for long periods of time without distraction. Women’s brains are better equipped to divide their concentration on multiple tasks.
- Men focus on individual issues with parts of their brain, while women focus on multiple issues with their whole brain (left and right hemispheres).
- Men have 20 times more testosterone (male sex hormone) than women making them more independent and dominant.
- In men, their primary sense is visual, which is why so many men enjoy porn, whereas women are more in touch with their other senses; smell, sound, touch and taste.
- Men’s fantasies include images of sexual body parts and they focus on orgasm. Women’s fantasies comprise of the whole person or couple engaged in kissing, foreplay and lovemaking. Women also tap into their emotional feelings during fantasy.
- Men like to hear graphic sexual words in bed and some women enjoy the same, but many are more aroused by romantic words.
- Modern man still has the innate programming from his caveman era to hunt and spread his seed while women are more monogamous.
Ways in Which Men Can Seduce Women Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
- Make her coffee or tea in the morning especially on a weekend.
- Leave her a note saying you love her.
- Plan a surprise picnic.
- Give her a framed picture of both of you.
- Hold her hand at the movies.
- Be responsible for at least one dinner a week.
- Tell her she looks beautiful when she gets out of the shower.
- Do the dishes without being asked.
- Massage her feet.
- Thank her for loving you.
Ways in Which Women Can Seduce Men Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
- Allow him some alone time.
- Learn something about his favorite sports team.
- Compliment him to others so he can overhear you.
- Be kind to his mother.
- Tell him that he makes you feel safe.
- Ask for his advice.
- Surprise him with a sexy picture of yourself.
- In public, flirt with him as if you’re strangers.
- Silently keep him company while he works on something important to him.
- Initiate sex.
Communication for Couples Video Course Sneak Peek
Today’s sneak peek video is all about Communication for Couples, a comprehensive digital course that will teach you everything you need to know about how to develop an intimate through effective communication, available via our Certified Relationship Coach program!
This exclusive course on Communication for Couples includes a Narrated Multimedia Video Course, extra Video Training: Ask The Expert – Terri Amos Britt, The Enlightened Mom, and Ebooks: Understanding Cheating eBook and Dr. Ava’s book NeuroLoveology: The Power to Mindful Love & Sex ebook, Plus!, you will learn:
- Definition of Communication
- What Communication Is
- History of Communication
- Slang
- Early Memories of Communication
- Language Facts
- Types of Communication
- How Do People Communicate?
- Myths about Communication
- Research on Communication
- Male and Female Communication
- Why We Need Communication
- Communication Styles
- Evaluating Your Communication Style
- Positive Communication
- Levels of Communication
- What Communication Says About You
- Miscommunication
- Communicating Forgiveness
- Role-Playing
- How to Say No
- Preparing for Communication
- Constructive Criticism
- What Men Want to Hear in Bed
- Male Communication How To
- What Women Want to Hear in Bed
- Female Communication How To
- Communication Techniques: Singles
- Conversation Starters
- Body Language
- Communicating Online
- Communicating Safe Sex
- Communicating Love
- Singles Statistics
- Communication Techniques
- Communication to Heal
- Communication to Improve Sex Life
- Being an Effective Communicator
- Negotiating Compromises
- Add Communication to Love Making
- Communicating Boundaries
- Maintaining Communication
- Talking to Kids About Love & Sex
- Communicating during Grief
- Communicating with In-Laws
- Communicating with Ex’s
- Erotic Communication
- Communicating Sexual Needs
- Phone Sex
- Communicating Fantasies
This course is just a small component of our comprehensive Certified Relationship Coach program.
Take a look at our Certified Relationship Coach program NOW to see all of the courses available when you sign up to become a Certified Relationship Coach!