Becoming a Sexpert: A Guide to Expertise in Sexual Wellness
Mar 25, 2021
Welcome to the Coaching the Master Sexpert Course: How to Become a Sex Coach Training Program Online
Congratulations for taking the plunge on a new career choice to become a Certified Sexpert. You may have lots of questions before you decide if this career is right for you.
In this article we will answer our most frequently asked questions (FAQs) on How to Become a Sexpert, including:
- What is a Master Sexpert? Or, What is Sex Coaching?
- Why Work with a Sex Coach or Master Sexpert?
- What Kinds of Sex Coaching Niches are there?
- What is the difference Between a Sex Coach and a Sex Therapist?
- Who Benefits from the Help of a Sexpert?
- Why Work with a Sexpert?
- Why Now is the Best Time to Become a Sex Coach.
- And, How to Become a Sex Coach and Get Your Certification.
What is a Sexpert?
A sexpert, sex coach or sex educator (we use these terms interchangeably) is a professional who is trained and certified in the field of human sexuality. They help individuals and couples to:
- Enrich their personal sex lives
- Learn how to effectively communicate about their sexual interests, needs and boundaries
- Overcome sexual issues and overcome sexual obstacles
- Increase passion and pleasure in their sexual relationships
- Raise their libido and spice up their love life
- Become empowered with accurate sexual education and a healthy sex-positive attitude and confidence so they can enjoy a healthy sex life and sexual relations with others.
What is Sex Coaching?
Couples and individuals have sought ways to improve their sex lives and become better lovers since the dawn of time. Thus texts like the Kama Sutra (between 400 BCE and 300 CE) were written to provide lovers with a sexual how-to guide on the art of sexuality, eroticism and pleasure in life and relationships.
Modern day sex coaching has evolved from traditional psychotherapy and clinical sexology. Sex coaching is in fact the evolution of Life Coaching, which helps clients address specific sexuality issues, so they can create attainable goals to enable and empower them to enjoy healthy sexual relations.
What Kinds of Sexpert Niches are there?
The umbrella of "sexpert" includes various niches. You can become a talk-based sex coach in a one one one setting (listening, asking questions, identifying goals, teaching or giving information, and making suggestions), a sex educator giving workshops in a group setting, a sex toy consultant, a dating advisor, a romance expert and more.
Some sex coaching niches include:
- Intimacy Expert
- Passion coaching for couples
- Dating Advisor
- Sex Toy Consultant
- Romance Specialist
- Sex Educator
- Master Sexpert
What is the Difference Between a Sex Coach and a Sex Therapist?
A sex coach is a professional who is certified to help clients identify current issues in their sex life and to create an action plan towards their desired goals.
A sex therapist is a professional with a degree in human sexuality as well as psychotherapy, theology, social work, medicine or counseling. They work with clients in a long-term process, looking at their past issues, to help resolve problems, behaviors, past traumas, self-destructive habits through analysis. They are bound by a code of ethics and require degrees plus clinical experience, and a state license. They often accept medical insurance.
As a sexpert or sex coach, there will probably come a time in your work when you’ll need to refer a client to another professional. It’s important to point out that sex experts are not clinically trained, so if there are any indications that your clients need a medical doctor or a therapist for a clinical sexual dysfunction, then you must refer them immediately:
Impotence, female sexual arousal disorder, male erectile disorder, orgasmic disorder, premature ejaculation issues, dyspareunia, vaginismus, substance induced sexual dysfunction, or if they are confused about their orientation or gender, all of which should be referred to a therapist or medical doctor.
You should also refer your client if they suffer from a traumatic event and seems to be experiencing a physical or mental illness, or suffering from depression.
Who Benefits from the Help of a Sex Coach?
- People looking to maximize their sexual skills who may or may not require any emotional investment or intimacy
- Someone who wants to move their relationship from dating to sexual intimacy
- Couples who want to experience more creative sexual adventures
- Lovers who want to explore their sexual boundaries
A Sex Coach aids their clients by:
- Teaching
- Training
- Motivating
- Guiding
- Collaborating
- Inspiring
- Validating
- Monitoring
- Listening
Why Work with a Sex Coach?
Most of us grow up without having a proper sex education. We learn about the birds and the bees through the internet (usually via porn), through our friends, and sometimes if we are lucky, from our parents or via school programs. Often this information is inaccurate, incomplete, sex-negative, or only teaches us how to NOT get pregnant or catch a sexual disease (abstinence only education), rather than teach us how to enjoy and love our bodies, achieve pleasure, have meaningful sex positive relationships and learn sexual skills so we can pleasure our partners as well as ourselves.
A sex coach helps people (both individuals and couples) learn these much-needed skills, so they can go on to have fulfilling, pleasurable, rewarding and empowering, sex lives and long-lasting sexual relationships. Sex coaches provide accurate sexual education about human sexual anatomy, pleasuring skills, communication skills, and more, to help their clients claim their own sexual freedom and express themselves sexually as well as create more intimacy in their love relationships.
Why is Now the Best Time to Become a Master Sexpert?
Sex coaching is on the rise and becoming one of (if not the most) popular careers in the new millennium. Here are several reasons why, NOW is the perfect time to become a Certified Master Sexpert.
Here are our top reasons why you might want to start your new career as a Sexpert:
- Lucrative Career: The Coaching Industry is a booming with approximately $1.5 billion annually in world wide revenue. Full-time coaches earn an average $82, 6721 (USD) per year.
- Adaptable Lifestyle: As a Sex Coach you can enjoy the “Laptop Lifestyle” and work from anywhere in the world you desire, travel abroad, work on vacation, teach at conferences and create luxury training retreats.
- Flexible Schedule: As a Sex Coach you can create your own business and decide what hours you want to work. Work part-time, full-time, anytime you want.
- Freedom to Be Your Own Boss: You don’t need to work a J-O-B as a relationship coach. You can create your own business and be your own boss with the freedom to create your own career path. Enjoy freedom, flexibility and independence, as you proudly watch your business flourish.
- Job Satisfaction: Enjoy a meaningful career you LOVE and are passionate about helping to serve others and make their lives better.
- Personal Growth: You want to achieve happiness. As a Sex Coach, the quality of your life will be enhanced with deeper self-love, more romance, intimate connection and passion.
- Be Unique: Use your skills and style to choose your own unique niche. Become a Dating Advisor, Professional Matchmaker, Sexpert, Intimacy Coach, Sex Educator, coaching the people who you resonate with like singles, couples, heterosexuals, GLBTQ, or those in alternative lifestyles, as you design a niche suited to your unique passions.
How Can I Become a Certified Master Sexpert?
Loveology University offers the Certified Master Sexpert Program online training program to teach students how to become Certified Master Sexperts. The Master Sexpert training combines relationship coaching with sex education so you can teach other adults about human sexuality and how to empower their intimate lives.
Experience one of the most advanced on-line Programs in human sexuality and pleasure. Courses include Oral Pleasure, Back Door Pleasure, Erotic Talk, Playful Positions, G-Spot, and The Big ‘O’ which teaches all about giving and receiving the ultimate orgasms.
The Coaching the Master Sexpert course prepares Master Sexperts for their private practice with practical techniques and exercises to use with clients. Students will learn about the Passion Wheel, the Love List, the Pattern Tree, the Satisfaction Scale and many other methods developed by Dr. Ava Cadell for this program. Also examined are the ethical responsibilities of a sexpert, their client’s responsibilities, and how to coach men, women, singles and couples for maximum results.
The Coaching the Master Sexpert Course, is a part of the Master Sexpert training program from Loveology University, where you will learn:
Goals of the Program Master Sexpert Overview What is a Sexpert? Who Benefits from a Sexpert? Sexpert Responsibilities Safety Competence Ethics Intuition Motivation Guarantee A Money-Back Guarantee When to Refer Client Responsibilities Client Excuses Techniques Rapport Skills Brainstorming |
Brainstorming for Singles Coaching Language Do’s & Don’ts Communication Styles Examples of Clinical Terms Communication Styles Motivation Table Analyze Your Character Pattern Tree Control Chart Satisfaction Scale Powerful Questions Love/Sex List Passion Wheel Guided Imagery Creative Visualization Manifestation Journaling Sex Journal |
Romance Journal Reward Journal Mutual Love Agreement (MLA) Boundary Box The Bolder Folder The Power of Touch Singles Resources Coaching Singles Couples Resources Couching Couples Long Distance Relationships Coaching Couples with Kids Couching Men Resources Coaching Men Coaching Women Resources Coaching Women Master Sexpert Success and More!
Watch this Sneak Peek Video on Our Coaching the Relationship Coach Training Program Online.
This video is just a small component of our comprehensive Certified Master Sexpert Coaching program that will teach you everything you need to know about how to become a Certified Master Sexpert, sex coach, sex educator, and so much more.
The courses in this program meet the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists(AASECT) and together are approved for 55.5CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification. This program is also eligible for credit at the American College of Sexologists towards the 300 hours required for membership.