LoveWork by Shaquenita Gipson
Jan 20, 2025
LoveWork is a reflective writing exercise designed for the students in our coaching programs at Loveology University. It offers a chance for them to dive deeper into their personal growth journeys, explore thoughts on love and relationships, and apply the principles they’re learning. Each LoveWork entry encourages our students to express themselves and gain insights, guiding them toward a more fulfilling, loving life.
Below is a LoveWork submission from Bianca Baymon, a Love Coaching Graduate
Write down how Covid has impacted Flirting and Dating?
January 10, 2020, the world was hit by storm once we encountered the Covid virus. Due to the misunderstanding on how it was transmitted between people and increasing death rates. Physical touch, flirting and dating came to a complete stand still. Fear and anxiety increased, and people avoided strangers and even close friends. Dating apps, chat rooms, and long-distance relationships became ten times more popular due to social distancing. Businesses were forced to be shut down. Physical touch was starving, and touch was avoided at all costs. Flirting, traveling, clubbing, and bar hopping before covid was the number one ways of meeting new people. Movies, bowling, and eating at a restaurant before Covid was the number one way to dating safely. For two years Covid impacted life as we knew it. During the time a lot of single people felt the sting of distanced dating and lacked the social connection. Covid slowed the world down and people were not rushing to into the dating game and this left people feeling emotional disconnected and empty. Flirting was pushed to social media sites, dating apps and chat rooms. Technology has become the number one way to meet and get to know new people. Apps such as Tinder, Black, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish makes millions of dollars a day due to the lack of social connection.
Write a dialog between you and a sexual harasser with a resolution that deflect your harasser?
Sexual Harasser: You are a very sexy intimacy Coach; what’s your favorite toy? I am just joking!
Me: You are my client and I believe that the word “Sexy” and asking about my sexual life is very inappropriate. This type of behavior will interfere with our sessions, therefore, stop with the jokes moving forward. If you want to continue as a client with me.
Sexual Harasser: Sorry, “I know that you are my coach I was just letting you know. My apologies for the joke.
Me: Apology accepted. Now we can carry on with this coaching program if you can refrain from the inappropriate comment. Please review the cancelation policy in your coaching contract.
Sexual Harasser: you can cancel the program if I make jokes?
Me: Yes, I can cancel the coaching program. If the client oversteps boundaries, display inappropriate behaviors, make derogatory remarks, or threatens me during sessions.
Sexual Harasser: I did not know this! My apologies! Let’s continue.
Me: Great let’s continue! Thank you for complying.
Write an Aphrodisiac Menu of Appetizer, Main Course and Desserts
Aphrodisia is food that stimulate sexual desire. Let’s start the meal for couples set up.
Appetizers: Oysters and Red Wine
Main Course: Seared Duck with Pomegranate Reduction
Desserts: Chocolate covered strawberries and bananas. Sides of juicy Watermelon
Write a Research Study on the latest statistics on Consent and Safer Sex?
Consent, “Saying yes or agreeing to sexual intention, touching and words.
Safer Sex. “Safety from unplanned pregnancies and transmitting STDs.
According to Research,
“Between 19% and 37 % of people indicate they strongly agree to take off their own clothes during sex.”
“35% agree to wear condoms.”
Only 24% of the people nod in agreement.
Only 27% of women agreed that consent should be given before sexual encounters.
Only 19% of men agree that consent should be given before sexual encounters.
1 out of 3 men have experience sexual violence.
1 in 4 women have experience sexual violence.
3 in 10 girls in the U.S get pregnant at least once by age 20.
1 out of 4 sexually active teens will get an STD.
Write a list of Adult Toys you can recommend for all Genders and Sexualities
After reviewing these questions, I can see that all types of toys, dildos and vibrators can be used no matter gender and sexuality. Sex is about exploring and enjoying all types of new things, toys, and fun add Ons. As long as it increases the sexual experience, helps with the sexual experience or bring kink to the experience mission is accomplished.
Males - Sleeves, Pocket, anal toys - all toys and books
Females- G- Spot toys, and all types of dildos and vibrators - all toys and books
Transgender- Dildo, anal, - all toys and books
Gender Neutral- all type of toys
Non-Binary -- all toys and books
Agender -- all toys and books
Pangender- - all toys and books
Genderqueer- - all toys and books
Two Spirit - all toys and books
Third Gender - all toys and books
Heterosexual – all type of toys
Gay – anal toys, lubricants, and dildos
Lesbian – double sided toys, fingers sleeves, and g- spot
Bi-Sexual – all toys
Asexual- - all toys and books
Queer- vibrators, wands, bullets and straps
Demisexual- all toys and books
Pansexual- - all toys and books
Write down your Definition of Sex Positivity.
Sex positivity is a positive outlook on the benefits of sex and sexualities. Sex can be looked at as a shameful or negative behaviors but for many people it brings joy and happies. Being sex positive is saying be open, free and honest in my space. I am not here to judge or shame what you like in or outside of the bedroom.
Write a Healing Meditation of Affirmation?
My affirmation is called seeking me.
Take a seat, relax, and come to a place of stillness.
Letting go!
Breathing! In and out!
Letting your mind rest!
Letting your worries drift away like sand on the shore at the beach.
Now release your frustration. Release anxiety, release the what ifs, just release.
Feel the tense coming from your shoulders.
Feel the tense release from your fingertips.
Feel the tense release from your deep thoughts.
Let go!
Seek the beauty in you.
Seek the love inside of your beautiful heart.
Seek the understanding that you desire within
Now give yourself what you seek.
Give yourself peace.
Visualize what Peace looks like!
Visualize what Peace feel like!
Visualize what Love Looks Like!
Now reach out and grab it!
And pull all of the energy into yourself!
Hold it dear!
Now repeat after me!
I deserve this!
I deserve every great thing that happens to me!
Now breath that feeling inside your heart!
Now start to feel your toes again.
Now start moving your finger again
Now start to open your eyes.
Sit still for a second and let the world come back to you.
Sit still and let the joy in your thoughts engulf the energy you will now bring into the world.
Write down some examples of Cultural Competence?
Cultural Competence means being aware of your own cultural beliefs and values and how they may be used of seen differently in other cultures.
Being gay is a sin.
Monogamy is the other way to have a sacred marriage.
People that live in the city will have a harder time raising kids.
Polyamorous relationship deals with jealousy and dysfunction because the people in those relationship are insecurities.
Love is 50/50 all the time.
Women can not make decision based on male point of views.
Write down how you would Coach an LGBTQ client coming out?
Create a safe space that is confidential.
Tell the client there is no pressure or no rush to identify their sexuality.
Ask the client about their thoughts and desires.
Ask the client how they feel about their own thoughts and desires.
Speak about their confusing and explore their fears together.
Focus on what their sexuality means, and what does it mean in the world.
Go over the shame and guilt associate with their coming out.
Discuss further explore no guilt and no shame.
Explore 100% happiest and comfortability within.