Excerpt of Training Video: Neuroloveology For the Love Coach by Dr. Ava Cadell

Dr. Ava speaks to a roomful of enthusiastic love, dating and relationship coaches about scientific techniques to use with their clients.

Created by Dr. Ava Cadell, the term NeuroLoveology is the the blending of neuroscience with the science of love.  Through NeuroLoveology, people can learn mindful techniques that help stimulate brain cell growth, to enhance both their intimate relationships and business.

This interactive presentation will have you thinking about the distractions around you that impact your ability to calm the mind, be present in intimate moments, and be mindful of you and your partner’s pleasure.



Dr. Ava examines the differences between the left-brained and right-brained approach to communication and teaches you how to express your needs to your partner’s prominent brain attributes, so that you have a meeting of the minds. This is also a valuable technique that can be used in the boardroom as well as the bedroom.

Audience members had the opportunity to participate in fun, innovative exercises that will stimulate parts of the body to trigger the opposite side of the brain and played games with prizes for the winners.  Dr. Ava would like to thank Antia Boyd www.findtheoneelite.com, who took part in the audience of this seminar and the founder of the 2017 Love Coach Conference, Jason Silver www.lovecoachconference.com. You can join his Facebook group at /lovecoachingprofessionals.

There was plenty of take-home value that you can apply immediately including:

  • Replacing internal and external distractions with mindful techniques through “NeuroLoveology.”
  • Expressing love and intimacy by using your partner’s prominent left or right brain communication style.
  • Making your relationship a priority by lifting it from autopilot in the subconscious to the surface of the conscious mind.
  • Learning how to share boundaries and meet each other’s mental, physical and sexual needs.
  • Using some of the same tools that are successful in the boardroom to create passionate success in the bedroom such as NLP.
  • Sexycises to stimulate the mind such as touching the left side of your partner’s body to stimulate the right side of their brain.

This entire video is part of the Certified Love Coaching Course.