Safe Sex Mastery: A Comprehensive Course for Healthy Relationships
Oct 27, 2022
Welcome to Loveology University’s sneak preview video course on Safe Sex. This in-depth course will teach you all about safe sex including sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs), how to protect yourself, safe sex statistics and more. This expert course was created by Dr. Ava Cadell and Dr. TaMara for Loveology University®.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
A Sexually Transmissible Infection (STI – formerly called STD, or sexually transmitted disease) is an infection that can be passed on through vaginal, anal or oral sex. Most STIs are transmitted through the exchange of sexual fluids, but some can be passed on through skin to skin genital contact.
Having a sexually transmitted infection (STI) can definitely have an impact on sexual pleasure. An STI can cause significant pain to your internal and external sex organs. This pain may intensify during intercourse. STI’s can also be pretty tricky.
Some STIs, particularly gonorrhea and chlamydia, may not show any symptoms until they cause scarring and major damage to an organ. Additionally, some STIs will cause vaginal itching and dryness which may also make sex pretty painful.
STI Facts and Statistics
According to the United Sates Department of Health and Human Services, about 19 million new sexually transmitted infections are thought to occur each year. These infections affect women and men of all backgrounds and economic levels.
There more than 30 different bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause an STI. Bacterial STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and bacterial vaginosis. Viral STIs include genital herpes, hepatitis B, HPV and HIV. Parasitic STIs include trichomoniasis.
Each year:
- One in four teens contracts an STD/STI
- One in two sexually active persons will contract an STD/STI by age 25
- About half of all new STDs/STIs in 2000 occurred among youth ages 15 to 24
Women and STDs
Simply because we are women, our biology makes us vulnerable. The internal anatomy of our reproductive system places us at increased risk because we are the receivers. Our anatomical structure is a greater area which allows for more bodily fluids to penetrate the vaginal lining. In addition, Men who have sex with men that engage in anal sex are at an increased risk because of the aspect of receiving a penis into the anal cavity. In addition to the fact that the lining of the anus is very thin and does not lubricate itself naturally which makes it easier to tear exposing blood vessels making it a portal of entry for bacteria and other infections to get into the blood stream.
Most new HIV infections in women are from heterosexual contact:
- 23% of all people living with HIV in the United States were women.
- Black/African American** and Hispanic/Latina women continue to be disproportionately affected by HIV, compared with women of other races/ethnicities.
- The greater number of people living with HIV (prevalence) live in African American and Hispanic/Latino communities and the fact that people tend to have sex with partners of the same race/ethnicity means that women from these communities face a greater risk of HIV infection with each new sexual encounter.
- About 80%–90% of chlamydial infections and up to 80% of gonococcal infections in women are asymptomatic.
- More than half of all people will have an STD/STI at some point in their lifetime.
How STIs Are Spread
STIs may be spread through the following:
- Unprotected anal, oral, or vaginal sex with a person who is infected with an STI. Anal sex carries the most risk because the lining of the anus is thin and does not lubricate naturally, causing it to rip and tear easily. Vaginal sex is the second most risky type of sex followed by oral sex. Keep in mind that the receptive partner is the partner that is most at risk because she or he is receiving the penis inside their anus or vagina. This increases their risk given the exposure to the fluid.
- Mother-to-child transmission. An STI can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy, birth or through breastfeeding.
- During genital touching. It is possible to get some STIs, such as syphilis, herpes or genital warts from skin to skin contact, with out without intercourse.
- Through sexual contact between women who have sex only with other women.
- Sharing needles or syringes for drug use, ear piercing, tattooing, etc. Remember: It can be difficult to tell if someone has an STI. STIs can be spread even if there are no signs or symptoms. Anyone who has had sexual contact can get an STI. Men and women of all ages, regions, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels can get STI.
Safer Sex Tools
Safer sex is the new sex! Practicing safer sex, especially within a non-committed relationship or even relationships with various structures such polyamouros relationship, could the difference between life and death, therefore it is extremely important to be informed about the various safer sex tools. Although practicing safer sex should be viewed as a shared responsibility, please keep in mind that you are ultimately responsible for your sexual health.
Safer Sex Tools Include:
- Condoms (male & female condoms)
- Dental Dams
- Lubricant
Additional Ways to Protect Myself?
When you enter into a sexual relationship, it is extremely important that you take the time to get to know your sexual partner. Failure to do so may result in dire consequences, like becoming infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Taking the following precautions when beginning a sexual relationship can help reduce your likelihood of becoming infected.
- Get tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections together
- Ask your sexual partner about their sexual history
- Use safer sex tools
- Practice abstinence or celibacy
- Remain faithful/ mutual monogamy
- Love yourself
- Reduce your number of sexual partners
- Change the type of sex you’re having
- Be careful about the substances you use
- Identify triggers
- Understand your risk factors and triggers
- Reduce Substance Use
- Build skills such as communication, decision making, negotiation
- Don’t share sex toys
- Learn to negotiate safer sex
- Follow your gut
Safe Sex Course – Video Trailer
Today’s sneak peek video is all about Safe Sex, a comprehensive digital course that will teach you everything you need to know about Safe Sex, available via our Certified Love Coach program!
In this exclusive Safe Sex course, which includes a video slide show and downloadable PDF, you will learn:
What is Safer Sex? What impacts our sexuality? HIV and AIDS HIV / AIDS pretest What is HIV? Stages of HIV Window period / Initial Onset Asymptomatic illness / Symptomatic Illness Opportunistic Infection What is AIDS? HIV Testing/ Testing positive The Fluids That Transmit HIV How HIV is Spread Indirect Risk Factors HIV Care and Treatment Medications Counseling & Therapy HIV / AIDS pretest answers STIs pretest answers Resources |
Sexual Consent
What is Sexual Consent A Recent History of Sexual Consent No Means No Sexual Harassment & Assault What is Sexual Assault Who Should You tell? Safer Dating Sexual Consent Form Boundaries Confronting Sexual Harassment Dialogue with Sexual Organs How do you know when You’re Ready for Sex? Types of Birth Control Hormonal Barrier Sterilization Fertility Awareness Methods Additional Ways To Be Safer |
Sexually Transmitted Infections
STI pretest Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Bacterial Vaginosis Genital Herpes Hepatitis B Human papillomavirus (HPV) Trichomoniasis How STIs are spread Indirect Risk Factors Keeping Yourself Safer Safer Sex tools Male Condoms The Condom Conversation Female Condoms Dental Dams Negotiating Safer Sex with your Partner Eroticizing Safer Sex Safer Sex Menu Negotiating Safer Se |
Safe Sex Video Course
This video is just a small component of our comprehensive Certified Love Coach program that will teach you everything you need to know about sexual pleasure, arousal, orgasms, sexual anatomy, how to please and man and a woman, as well as how to overcome relationship obstacles and so much more.
Take a look at our Certified Love Coach program NOW to see all of the courses available when you sign up to become a Certified Love Coach!