Tantric Love: Diving Into Tantra
Jan 10, 2021
Welcome to Loveology University’s sneak preview video course on Tantra — Tantric Love. This in-depth course will teach you what is tantra, the types and history of Tantra, tantric sex, orgasmic kissing, multiple orgasms, tantric massage, tantric sex positions, and much more!
Watch this Sneak Peek Video on Our Tantra: Tantric Love Video Course Below
What is Tantra?
Many people are unclear about what Tantra is and what it is not.
Tantra is not a religion, a sexual cult, a new age spiritual philosophy, exhibitionism, swinging, or sex therapy. Tantra is a Sanskrit (ancient Hindu language) word that means to weave energy, specifically Yin (female) and Yang (male) energy, between two lovers. This energy includes our thoughts, feelings, and physical and sexual actions.
There are different kinds of Tantra, but we are going to focus on Red Tantra, which directs sexual energy to your lover. So, I’d like to welcome you to a unique journey of sensual and sexual exploration that will prepare you for the 5,000 year old practice of Tantra.
How Can Tantra Help You?
Tantra can help to heal a hurt relationship; it can break down defensive walls, improve intimate communication, and enhance a relationship that has lost its sizzle and spice.
For women, Tantra can empower and fulfill their sensual needs; for men it can open up a whole new world to intimacy and it can give them the tools to become multi-orgasmic.
For couples, it’s an opportunity to create a more meaningful and intimate connection.
What are the Six Essential Tantric Elements?
The six essential Tantric elements are: Breath, Movement, Muscle Lock, Sound, Intention, and Attention and to enjoy the journey of Tantra, rather than focusing on your immediate pleasure (climax). These elements help couples get ready to explore new sexual territory, expand your ideas about your relationship, intimacy, and better sex.
Achieving Tantric Bliss through the six elements of Tantra will take your relationship to a whole new physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Before you embark on your Tantric journey, here are 10 important guidelines to follow:
- Be willing to explore new sexual territory.
- Open your heart to your lover.
- Be willing to let go of your ego.
- Exchange and blend your Yin and Yang energy with your lover.
- Enjoy the journey of lovemaking. It’s not about a goal.
- Allow yourself to be vulnerable. You’ll be greatly rewarded!!
- Be willing to trust yourself and your lover.
- Have no expectations.
- Make no judgments.
- Be prepared to have fun!
Tantra: Tantric Love Video Course
The video featured in this article is a sneak peek at Loveuniv.com’s featured video: Tantric Love, that will give you a look at the digital courses available via our Certified Relationship Coach program!
Today’s video is all about Tantric Love, a comprehensive course that will teach you everything you need to know about Tantric sexuality and so much more!
In this exclusive Tantra: Tantric Love course, which includes a video slide show and downloadable PDF, PLUS! Video: Tantric Sex: Spiritual Sexuality & Deeper Intimacy for Couples with Dr. Ava Cadell, Kundalini Yoga for Balancing the Chakras by Gurutej Kaur, Ask The Expert – Laurie Handlers on Sexual Enlightenment, Ask The Expert – Destin Gerek on Sex Mastery, Ask The Expert – Gurutej on Energizing Yourself, PLUS! the Tantric Lab Audio Course, you will learn:
- What is Tantra?
- The Types of Tantra
- The History of Tantra
- Yin/yang,
- Chakras
- Lovework
- Tantric Sex
- The 4 Senses
- Tantric kissing
- Orgasmic Kissing
- The 6 basic elements of Tantra: breath, movement, sound, muscle lock, intention, attention
- Male orgasms
- Orgasm vs ejaculation
- Male Multiple Orgasms
- Female orgasms
- The goddess spot
- The Venus butterfly technique
- Trigasms
- Female ejaculation
- Blended & extended orgasms
- Tantric massage
- Tantric sex positions
This video is just a small component of our comprehensive Certified Relationship Coach program that will teach you everything you need to know about Couple’s enrichment, Love, Aphrodisiacs, Foreplay, Flirting, Kissing, Tantra, Relationship Coaching Niches, How to Become a Relationship Coach, Erotic Massage, as well as how to overcome relationship obstacles and so much more.
Take a look at our Certified Relationship Coach program NOW to see all of the courses available when you sign up to become a Certified Relationship Coach!